London Town

Stayed up for another hour or so after getting to the Vickster's last night. Mugs of tea and chats with her and Tom resumed over breakfast, before I made my way into town, to visit Megan at Great Ormond St Hospital. She had just returned from yet another operation following her admission on New Year's Eve and her mum and dad were with her, both doing so well considering the month they've had. Listened to their account of events and tried to take in all their new-found medical knowledge, as Meg snoozed away, having drugs and milk administered by machines and whatnot. She's a little fighter, and fingers crossed everything goes to plan for a move to a hospital closer to home very soon. GOSH is a wonderful place, and just being there brought memories flooding back of another brave little soldier I know, who was a GOSH patient in 2000.

Linds and I left left the hospital late afternoon and we walked a big chunk of the journey back to Waterloo where we went our separate ways... no tearful goodbyes there though... I'll see her again in less than a week :-)

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