a town called E.

By Eej

Him & Me & the Sounds of the Lake

He did me a favour and took me to the beach where we sat and watched the gulls, listened to the waves, closed our eyes and generally breathed relaxation.
In return I had made ice cream bread :)

We both won.

If there's anything I've learned from having to go through 6 years of unsorted photo files it's that a photo of a landscape or a flower has to be really good to be deemed 'savable' whereas a photo of a person or a situation is ALWAYS savable. I'm not saying this is a crap photo - it's just that I probably took better ones. I know, though, that in time, I will look at this one more fondly than anything else I came home with.

(Though there is one of the Beloved nearly falling face first into the water that would have provided everyone with hours of entertainment - now it's just for me ;))

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