Piet Hein and I took the bus and the train to Central Station Amsterdam.
There our friend Cor was waiting, we took the ferry and at the Tolhuis we drank coffee.
Then we drove to the Watergeuzen where Cor's motorboat is parked.
First through the Amsterdam-Rijn kanaal and from there to the IJ. So se sailed for hours till we came at the Hempond and there we turned around.
It was the perfect day to be at the Waterfront, it was sunny, warm and still with a cool breeze. and so much to see, the different buildings on the shore, all the ships of all sizes around us and the sky with wonderful white clouds.
(It feels, now I write this, as if I am still sailing, my table is softly dancing to and fro)
We ended our day with our traditional meal in the thai restaurant Pasoek and waved Cor goodbye when we stepped on the pond. Train and lightrail brought us home again.
Tired, yes of course, but happy that we could spend this day with a good friend, who loved to take us on his boat and showed us the world seen from there.
The picture shows a cruise ship and at the left side of it an old threemaster.

My haiku:

Come on board and be
My guests dear friends, I'll sail you
As far as I can

And the quotation from Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows:

Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing -absolutely nothing - half so much doing as simply messing about in boats.

It's late now, I am tired, it seems a good idea to go to bed now, sleep well (better than tonight I hope), and return to Blipland tomorrow again, as I will be curious about the pictures my friends have taken and read their words.

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