My Best Efforts - Year 3


MonoMonday: Motion......

............and coming up on the outside is Car No 8! - the truck driver may be breaking the speed limit as that lorry was really rolling!

Hardly any motion anywhere in the village so this will have to suffice.

Thank you WetCoastBob for hosting - you have a busy time in front of you I think!!

100 years ago today newspapers published the news that Britain had declared war on Germany, along with reports of overwhelming support for the King and a call for medical practitioners, tradesmen and motorcyclists to join the army.

The King addressed the following message to Admiral Sir John Jellicoe: "At this grave moment in our national history I send to you and, through you, to the officers and men of the fleets, of which you have assumed command, the assurance of my confidence that under your direction they will revive and renew the old glories of the Royal Navy, and prove once again the sure shield of Britain and of her Empire in the hour of trial."

It was reported that evening that Germany had taken the first hostile step by destroying a British mine-layer.

Most folk were of the opinion that the conflict would last only 6 months - how wrong they were!

My father volunteered immediately and served in the Army for the whole of the War and although he was in the front line, came home unscathed. It wasn't until many years later that he met my mother.

It's a very different Germany now thank goodness!

Another warm day - sun and cloud - 70 Deg.F. at the moment.

The TV coverage this evening should be interesting.

Have a great day.

P.S. - Anni is doing a link for me - I have trouble with them!!

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