Photos in A Major

By A

The Big Apple

Arriving late on a Sunday afternoon I wondered how much I would see, well 'ol Frank did say '[it was] as city that never sleeps'.... and I agree.

Staying on Time Square (my window looks out over the square from the 23rd floor!), made my way over to 5th, up to central park (via St Patricks), through the park and back to TS down Broadway.

Later a trip on the underground to Little Italy, I chose to eat at Lombardi's due to the queue at the door (always a good sign). Later I found a plaque saying it was the first pizzaria in the US. Good to see it was as popular today as it was in 1904 when it opened!

Inside they had this ornament (a trinket perhaps), I can think of someone who would appreciate a trinket like this!

Just time for a nightcap in a revolving bar on top of the hotel (yes the room spins whilst you get drunk!)

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