My Life in A&E

By gilvratina

No weather week - day 6

Continuing our weekend of culture, we went to see a play tonight at the Pasinger Fabrik called "The Other Mozart", written and performed by Sylvia Milo.

Apparently right, Mozart had an elder sister called Nannerl, who was also rather talented but once she was of marrying age was no longer able to "tour" with her brother because it was considered inappropriate. And so it was that despite her talent, she remained virtually unknown.

She eventually married a baron, but it seemed that she was only ever truly happy when she was playing the harpsichord. Ironically, or perhaps just sadly, she shares a grave with the Other Haydn, brother of composer Joseph.

It was a double treat tonight because we got to see a show which was really good (and which I would highly recommend) and we also got to see Lizzo, S, H (who has Steve the London Cabbie as the voice on his sat-nav), Katinka (visiting from Holland) and surprisingly La-La who, unbeknownst to me, was working on the show and who I haven't seen for 2 years. Treats abound!

Monday tomorrow - it's amazing how fast it comes round.

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