Heart shaped box

Don't know why but seeing this just immediately made me think of this track by Nirvana, doubly weird as although I saw them plenty of times before they "made it", it was mainly in support of Mudhoney whom I preferred.

I do remember having tickets to see them twice on the "Nevermind" tour and I had bought them partially to see That Petrol Emotion who were supporting ,it was strange as at the first gig in Wolverhampton "Teen Spirit" had not been released and it was half empty but 3 weeks later in Birmingham someone offered me over £100 for a ticket as they had suddenly "arrived", needless to say I only saw them at festivals after that.

First Blip using the Galaxy S5 as well and despite a heavy crop I am rather pleased by the quality (awaits comment from Hirundo about my 6D)!

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