through the trees lighted the little pond in the Kornoelje gardens.
I went there after lunch.
In the morning Piet Hein and I worked together at the bookscases, one shelf did resist so heavily that we had to hit him, till he finely rested on the right place. Piet Hein did the hitting!
I had already painted several shelves and the selection was done too.
It will take a lot more effort and time to finish this.
But how wonderful it was to cycle to the gardens and enjoy the abundance of prettily coloured flowers, see the dragonflies, hear the birds and take pictures of all the beauties around me.
Mischa came for dinner and has just left. So nice to listen to her adventures of the day.

My haiku:

I see dragonflies
Eyes piercing in mine do we
See the same image?

And the quotation by Eugene O'Neill:

Obsessed by a fairy tale, we spend our lives searching for a magic door and a lost kingdom of peace.

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