2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Final action

Time to leave this amazing city.

I have been blown away by the welcome, friendliness and the humour of Glasgow.

Add to that the amazing architecture and the festival that has surrounded my time here, and I leave with a rich desire to return very soon

I managed to catch some brief action from the men's cycle road race before I got my train, and more action on TV.

The weather through everything at them today. Sun, wind and varying degrees of rain, much of it very heavy indeed.

I gave up on the idea of keeping dry, deciding I could get dry clothes from my bag and change in the train loo!

This downhill section gives some indication of how the people of Glasgow have embraced The Games. In awful weather they still came out in their thousands

But they do have a saying in Scotland: there is no bad weather; just the wrong clothes!

A lovely relaxing journey home, feet up, a lovely meal cooked by Mrs. P (I've really missed hot food, especially cooked by Mrs. P), and the closing ceremony on TV.

Thank you Glasgow, it's been pure dead brilliant.

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