Double Shot Mummy


Yummy food!

Mmmmmm spaghetti. Bailee's absolute favourite food (She'd eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if we let her). But actually, no, the grocery delivery unthoughtfully substituted 'Weetibix Chocolate' for standard Weetibix. Apparently she wants to eat Weetibix Chocolate "forver and ever...." No idea where the chocolate obsession came from at all ;-)

Anyway, we had a lovely playdate. Sebastian and Ethan have the most wonderful play room and garden (Still to hot for the garden!) Sebastian made me laugh as he is convinced he is Sonic the Hedgehog... Oh and poor Maple had a mishap and tripped down the steps... nothing an iced lolly wouldn't fix though. Bailee rode one of the boys bikes rather confidently. Oscar had a go to, but Bailee did look like a natural!

And me... well nine weeks on now and I'm getting ready for my trip to England next week. I'm going for my follow-up consultation with Mr Samandouras. I have every confidence they will do the MRI and tell me how healthy my brain looks and how well it has all healed. Still waiting for all the hair to grow back but at least the scar hides under my hair.

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