Fly Away Peter..

Had a meeting with a fantastic friend today who hopefully will help the sad family member towards their first step to calmness....
In other news Stephen booked and payed for our holiday to Kefalos a resort in Kos for the 1st week in September... We need a break and we find peace in Kos.. So easy going and such a slow pace ahhhhhh!
I bought a summer dress to celebrate and a new pair of bathroom scales.. I was fed up with the old scales adding up to 3lb's especially just before i was due to have my weekly weigh in.. Sometimes they just loved to lie and tell me i was 14lb less... I felt it was time to replace them! We think when Stephen collapsed in the bathroom last year his full weight bashed down on them and they hadn't been the same since that day!
So now i have approximately 4 weeks to lose anything between 4lb and 8lb but to be perfectly honest as long as i don't gain pounds i'll be smiling all the way to that greek resort....
Oh the bird! i forgot to mention this lovely little birdy he was over the farm just watching all his pals eating blackberries and making a racket in the bushes!

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