Strong lines in the stairwell

A quick shot of the freshly painted and repaired stairwell in the new/old building I now work in.

The cracks have gone, as has the old 70s paint job that included a grimy 'used chewing gum texture'. We don't miss that! ;-)

My day started with terminal indecision - will I?, won't I bike to work?

The earlier gale, sleet and hail put me off. I figured it was easing and off I went. It was lovely, the wind had died away with just a gentle few flakes of snow falling and a bit of sleet. And I was still on time for work :-)

It was fine by the time I biked home and but the wind was a pretty fierce head/side wind.

I have a 2 week extension for my temporary accommodation so work at home can be completed. This is good news as there is a lot of things that need to happen, including resolution to my carpet.

The extension came too late for me to comfortably prepare to head away to the mountains early tomorrow morning. I just couldn't push myself that hard after work. Plus I have friends shifting out of their home for repairs and one of them has just had major back surgery. It was important to drop off a couple of meals to them earlier this evening.

Tomorrow I'll spend time at home sorting the kitchen into something more orderly. Sunday I'll disappear to the hills for a little bit of sanity.

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