The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Sculpture 2

The original sculpture is here.

Poor Gus became rather bored with posing on his plinth with the sun behind him, wondering if he would ever get his treat for his trouble. So he lay down, which meant I had to grovel at ground level to get the right angle.

Otherwise we enjoyed a lovely evening walk over the Knott. Arnside was spared the thunderstorms and downpours that we experienced in Kendal. But I wasn't expecting to see the sun.

Something else I wasn't expecting to find was an arc of puffballs, nibbled by slugs and within a broader arc of darker green grass. It's only early August, but there is an autumnal feel to the Knott. Not just fungi appearing, but leaves discolouring and falling. In our garden I had a whiff of burnt toffee from leaves fallen from the Katsura tree. I suppose the leaf senescence is a reaction to the long dry period, with the rain then knocking down the leaves - just a natural adjustment, trees shedding the leaves that there had been insufficient water to sustain.

The weekend is here at last. I didn't fall asleep once in work today. Next week I have to be more alert, A and I have a big deadline to meet on Wednesday. A quiet weekend is in order, helped by Bern coming back today and sorting out the door screws before I needed to try and free them up.

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