If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


If this write up doesn't make any sense look back at yesterday's where I attempt to explain the terms. I should have taken the blip I wanted before we opened the stand! What I had in mind was the diagonal lines of carefully colour coordinated "drip tips". In minutes of the stand opening there were a good number of gaps spoiling my planned shot.

It was a hectic day with a constant stream of customers, the result I suppose of there only being one such event in the UK. By the time I got chance (and space) to take some shots I realised they would have to be shots of detail rather than the larger picture.

So this shot shows three of the "tanks" hand decorated by clickychick they are from left to tight a Dragon, a wolf and an Orca. I think you need to consider the scale of these tanks. The clear part (borosilicate glass) will be about an inch high.

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