Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Blip

By alfthomas

Negative Solution

We acquired a load of ancient glass negatives a while back, and with a view to scanning them we purchased a rather posh scanner for the job of converting them, along with many other photos than could use digitizing.

Now the scanner came with holders for slides and negative strips, but not with anything of suitable size to hold the glass negatives. This is where my "make it up as you go along" gene kicked in. Not a big problem, a piece of card with a hole in it glued to a piece of card with a slightly smaller hole in it (see image above) to raise the glass negative away from the glass bed of the scanner - simples.

So, I gathered the necessary bits and bobs together and set about the construction process, much to the consternation of SWMBO who got a wee bit precious about her cherished coffee table.

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