youngies journey

By youngie66

Staring Back In Time

Well it was wild weather again today my golf match was cancelled so I sat in the house and festered my home made mince was done to perfection when I got up and was making my stomach rumble with hunger during the night with the aroma permeating upstairs anyway I had my mince with some nice fluffy mash tattie done in my potato ricer, apart from that I just did my usual debating on FB on the Indy pages but was relieved to see a so called friend whom I have known for 25 years that was friends with my best mate Stevie had deleted me the other day we had commented on one of my threads which she could not see my side of my posting as I had stated it was fact she said how do you know it's fact I copied and pasted several accounts from main stream media and whether that made her feel embarassed or whatever but she just came out with some personal abuse so as the saying goes obviously good riddance, obviously you were not a true friend and thankfully I won't have to be abused for no reason at all, am I sad Nope, and I will sleep much better tonight if she had checked her info before commenting then she wouldn't have made an arse of herself on my page I'm thick skinned and take lots of personal abuse from mates with humour as I work with these guys all the time but someone who has only commented once or twice a year seems to think she can dish out a personal abusive comment that she really doesn't know me that much but I guess she always has had a high opinion about others oh well not losing sleep over it now then my blip is a screen shot as I was watching a documetary on you tube about William Wallace by Tony Robinson and I liked how the eyes were blending into the writing on the scroll you can tell a lot by staring into folks eyes blue ones are best but I'm biased as mine are blue as well I think so anyway now then movie for the day is "For Your Eyes Only 1981" See Ya

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