The Geeky Christian

By s90man

What a load of rubbish!

We’ve had a really good first morning for the most part! The amount of children that turned up was definitely encouraging/terrifying - 46, which is far more than we normally get on the first day! 28-35 are our usual numbers. And most of them were in the 5’s and 6’s so those teams had great fun! I was safe and sound with the 9’s, though we managed to get six which is twice as many as we usually have in that group.

Despite all that (and some crafts that seriously overran!) we managed to fit everything in nicely and I think everyone really enjoyed it. An answer to prayer! We only got rained off for one of the games sessions, the other two lots got to go out on the field, so that was nice.

This is our display at the front of the church - it's gradually going to get less messy as the week goes on! You can see Dad's wanted poster here - I think maybe the kids guessed that he was the culprit for all the mess...

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