Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Look Both Ways

three ships
down the high street
both ways

The second day of our excursion to Kingston upon Hull saw us sample from the city's impressive menu of museums.

We started with Street Life, the transport museum. While the kds were marveling at the impressive vehicles on display, I was drawn to the pristine pre-Worboys road signs that were mounted at various points around the walls.

After picnicking in the Mandela Gardens, with a fine statue of Gandhi for company, we went across the courtyard to the Hull and East Riding Museum where we met many of the fine archaeological discoveries that have been made in the East Riding.

We then wandered the streets and the shops for a bit, which took us past this fine Mural: "Three Ships" by Alan Boyson, created in 1963 for the Hull Co-op Society.

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