
By AnneILM60

In the heat of the day

I must have lost my mind! I went outside in the heat of the day. Thought that just taking a walk around the yard wouldn't be any be deal. Boy was I wrong. The heat and humidity are horrible and now I am done for for the rest of the day. What a ding bat!

I got this dragonfly in the same spot as the one yesterday.

What I did do right today is my trip to the drug store. I bought my year's worth of calcium w/vit D, and my year's worth of my multi vit. I bought lotion, shampoo, toothbrushes, battery for my old digital camera and a few other miscellaneous items. It would have come to $183. but I had coupons and so only paid $110. I saved myself $72.90 The things you need from the drugstore always seem to be so expensive, so I put it off until I need a long list of things and so when I get to the checkout I almost always just about die from sticker shock!

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