
By Teasel

The Calm Before the Storm

Woke up to a lovely morning. Got up earlyish to go on a snake hunt. BB and I had made a snake from loom bands and he lost it on the way home last night and was distraught. I had a lovely walk by the shore. The sea was so calm. I didn’t find the snake. However TT came to the rescue. He went for a run up the hill and then ran round looking for the snake before he came home. He found it in the garden! BB was reunited and was very happy.

We pottered at the beach all morning and had a stone skimming contest. We then headed out so BB and TT could play crazy golf in Brodick. BB loves it! We picked up provisions for a picnic and headed to Lamlash where we had to jump back in the car to eat our lunch – to get away from the wasps. We then had a lovely potter around – enjoying the sunshine.

We headed home and all met up for a drink in a local beer garden - until the midges came. We then spent the evening eating, drinking, chatting and jigsawing until very late!

Here’s a view from my snake hunt.

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