Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Afternoon Shadows

Wow! What a luxury a weekend is! Thoroughly enjoyed my lie in and I've had a very leisurely day - giving myself the day off so no ironing, shopping etc done. All left for tomorrow.

Reading dagefo's entry on the day Robin Williams was found dead reminded me of the movie Aladdin, and I decided to watch it! What a treat! I then spent some geeky time trying to find the movie Saving Mr Banks on the internet. In the process, I ended up watching Mary Poppins for the first time ever!

Yes. I am nearly 46 1/2 and I've never seen Mary Poppins! Most interesting. I should have probably watched Saving Mr Banks all the way through but time was fast running out for some of the other things I wanted to do, like play my guitar which I haven't done in months and it is really showing. I have now decided to leave it out of it's case so there is more chance I will pick it up in the evenings.

And lastly, since 2012 when I sold my D80, I have not had a zoom lens, and whilst I have finally gotten used to just using prime lenses, (mainly the 35mm) I do find myself missing a zoom. I've been looking at prices for an 18-55mm but always put off buying one citing "I don't really need one just at the moment". Today, whilst on the hunt for a battery charger, I went into the box of the D5200 which I bought last October and low and behold, there was an 18-55mm lens in there. Boy did I feel dumb. I was very thrilled too. It was one of those bundle deals and as I was only interested in the camera body, I had completely forgotten that a zoom lens had been thrown in. That's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

So, my blip today is me popping into the balcony to photograph the shadows created by a plant gifted to us in January when we FINALLY had the house-warming for this flat. I thought the bright afternoon sun made it interesting.

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