Papillons, St Denis, l'Aude, France

Today was a chilling in the grounds of the gite day, that is to say, more like a roasting by the pool day - and for me - a butterfly hunting day. I was rewarded by seeing my very first common swallowtail butterfly (Papillio machaon, top left) that, in reality, looked much yellower than this photo suggests. There were meadows all around our gite in St Denis, south France.

The butterfly on the right is, I believe, a scarce swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius). Ironically, I saw the 'scarce' ones two or three times during our stay, but the common one, only once. The butterfly bottom left is a fritillary for sure, but I'm uncertain which variety. EDIT to add - I believe the butterfly (bottom left) is a Provencal Fritillary (Melicta deione).

Also saw lots of tiny blue butterflies, too fast and shy to be photographed, lots of large whites and tiny small coppers - all of which I've seen in Britain. But to see and photograph swallowtails in their natural habitat was a first for me, and very exciting.

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