Indian Kiosk

Frogmore House is owned by the Crown Estate, and with its grounds in Windsor Great Park next to Windsor Castle is still used by the Royal Family for entertaining and parties.

The grounds also contain the Royal Mausoleum with the tomb of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. The Royal Burial Ground lies adjacent with the graves of members of the Royal Family, including to my surprise Edward, Duke of Windsor, formerly Edward VIII who abdicated t marry Wallace Simpson, who is also buried here along side.

The house and grounds are thrown open to the public for just a couple of weekends a year. I last visited in 2005 when the Mausoleum was open - and it is an opulant sight. Unfortunately it has been closed since 2008 due to problems with the roof, and is not likely to open for another 5 years!

I've posted photos on Flickr, but have chosen this Indian Kiosk as my blip for today as I liked the shape of its roof, and thought it would suit chantler63's challenge: Saturday Shapes and Shadows

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