My Best Efforts - Year 3


MonoMonday: Connection...North to South ......

..........Our High Street is split into two parts - High Street North and High Street South - by the Beck, a brook that flows from a hamlet west of the village before disappearing into the Slea.

Many, many years ago the two banks were only CONNECTED by wooden planks at convenient spots - (though there were bridges for vehicles) - in my mind's eye I can just picture the "ladies" of that time teetering across the planks, holding up their skirts, after a naughty night out and perhaps having imbibed a little too much gin in the local hostelry!!!

I can imagine this would have caused many a ribald remark from male onlookers who would be hoping one of them might fall in and reveal more than was modest!!
After all, only after falling into the Beck was one considered to be a true Native of the Village - I am not a spoil-sport but I am not proposing to do that.

There are now two matching pedestrian bridges - completed about 10 years ago - this being one of them - spanning the Beck and which now CONNECT the two banks quite attractvely.

Lots and lots of Mallards and ducks inhabit the Beck and surrounding gardens and can be a real traffic hazard in the "duckling" season and, sad to say, some do go to the "Great Duck Pond in the Sky" rather earlier than they should!.

This is my MonoMonday: Connection effort - sorry can't do a link!

Anni is on another mission today - texted me at about 4.30am just to say she was at the airport with time to spare! - Hope she has a good trip.

Weather sunny and dry but lots of dark clouds - Temperature is around 58 Deg. F.

Have a good day.

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