Mono Monday Connections

I went to Exeter today (50 miles southish of here) or up Exeter as our local neighbours would say. I made a connection to meet up with someone I used to work with, really great guy and going through s*****t at work, through little fault of his own. Looking forward to seeing him in a few months' time when he gets out of the whole mess.

However, the other connection today was with Exeter itself. This is a shot of the only bit of the cathedral I could take without some distracting sign or scaffolding.

I came to Exeter for university in 1972. I had never been before and indeed had little idea of where it was only that it was (deliberately) a long way from home. Due to getting into a little trouble at school I had given up hope of getting into university and had therefore ignored all letters from UCAS (or whatever it was in those days) and so Exeter was chosen for me. AND they accepted me with only 2 A Levels - sorry, kids, we did have it easier!

So instead of going to live in America, I thought I'd better give this university thing a chance. So a connection with what might have been but totally happy with what has been.

I don't think I went inside Exeter Cathedral in all my time at university and for many, many years after.

See tags for today's challenges.

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