
On the spur of the moment this evening we headed down to the Loch. Much more sheltered there so no biting wind to mar our walk. Not much bird life on the loch but just as we were heading back to the car we spotted a wee red squirrel! I have oft bemoaned the lack of sightings and questioned the veracity of the info boards at the loch which lists everything from otters to damsel flies as being present. Just a shame my camera was not poised! I must be losing my touch ;)

So we have trees. Trees on a Monday. I have seen worse :)

I have spent the last hour sewing the colours on to Jakes blazer in preparation for return to school on Wednesday ( where has the summer gone?) The colours are made up of twisted cotton and the devils own works to attach. A rather tedious task. Pity help the lad if he comes home with them hanging off after day 1

Hope Monday was kind to you too

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