RoseWarrior's Journey

By RoseWarrior

Mono Monday - Connections

You would have to know the story of Freedom and her passing to get this very abstract connection....for Mono Monday-Connections

While the branches and leave do connect - that is not The Connection.

This is the connection...
The day that Free translated (left the planet) my sister was able to get a beautiful bouquet to me (she live in Toronto - me on the west coast - a continent apart) - that was one connection - and in that bouquet were corkscrew willow branches. The bouquet lasted a long time and when it finally gave up the ghost and I went to add them to my compost pile I noticed that the willow branches had started to sprout a few tiny roots so I saved them and put them in water with rooting powder....then into soil and outside - where I though they bought the farm too but a year later I see green in the stem.

Now three and a half years later my Sweet Free Connection is growing like a weed and I will soon have to find a permanent in ground home for it...when I do I will use Free's ashes to kick start that process and the connection will be complete.

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