She's be-hind you..

Day off from harvesting today, so have concreted a patch between the two greenhouses in preparation for pointing the outside end of the ruin. I've dug about 18 inches of soil away from the wall, in an attempt to cure a damp problem. Then concreted the area after fitting a drainage pipe. Should be better, and will also allow me to have another 5 seed trays in my "hardening off" area..

Then lunch and spent a bit of time searching for things on e-bay without success.

G's been to Lochinver for pilates, and distributed posters for the upcoming Blas festival in the village hall, and when she returned, I went down to Kylesku to help D and S unload a couple of vans with their belongings in. They're just in the process of moving up full time from Surrey.

And we had to have a beer in the pub too!!..


..and big thanks to those who gave me stars and hearts to ut me in the spotlight with yesterdays picture..

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