A toss up!

Today we did Glasgow.
West Side for coffee, The Merchant City, Rogano's for lunch, Buchannan Street, Queen Square, Kelvingrove for ice cream and we even went 'forra Shoogle'!

My blip was a toss up between Clyde -The Commonwealth Games' Mascot - and me outside the Kelvingrove Museum or The Duke of Wellington Statue in Royal Exchange Square.

Guess which one won?

Talking of winning, my friends are divided on their opinions as to vote 'Yes' or 'No'
Even with Scottish Parents/Grandparents on both sides of my family, I have no right to vote, so it may not be my Plaice to mention it, but I believe with heart and Sole that any party with a Salmond and a Sturgeon at it's head may Flounder. - Or is that just a red Herring?

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