Wet Wet Wet and a little bit of sunshine

I used to love Wet Wet Wet (the band) not this weather! Thunder and rain and finally a little bit of sunshine which invited me to go out to the backyard and find some droplets. It amazes me that my Ixus has a better macro than my EOS DSLR... Once again took lots with the DSLR and the Ixus shots pleases me better.

Another day with old sweaters until it was time to visit the dentist. Today everyone in our family had an appointment with the dentist. I was the only one whose teeth needed no touching. It was an other matter... Lucky me!

Today my energy has been lower. I had some stomach cramps in the morning for an hour or so. It's not entirely pain free life yet(?), but so much better. I've had chronic pain for almost 3 decades. It's going to better direction and that's plenty. I don't think that life without pain is possible for me.

This evening will be interesting. Perhaps I'll tell you about it tomorrow. It depends on what happens... I hate all the mystery statuses in Facebook and now I'm making one myself, but let's just say that I'm too scared and self-conscious to let anyone in. Not even my husband. Or actually I haven't decided on the one yet, since he's not yet back from work, so I don't really know how I feel about letting him know before it's "gone". If I get interesting feedback I'll have something to report tomorrow. My life with the remakes of the old sweaters is as groovy as it gets. :-)

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