Hello again!

I had a trip down to the Gateshead office; hadn't been there for a couple of weeks and there had been some shifting round of desks and personnel in the open plan area since I was last there. Rather unsettling - I had to listen to half of a telephone conversation about budgets that was much longer than I would have wished.

More half conversations - arriving back around 5.30 pm and getting on a crowded bus from Waverley Steps tends to bring out the misanthrope that only lurks beneath the surface of Meles. One young woman next to me was having a polite, articulate, but very tense discussion on her phone with her significant other - they were having a serious argument. The lassie behind me was wailing, sobbing and snuffling into her mobile (to a succession of call-ees), about how when she'd gone up town to have her hair done she'd discovered she was being thrown out of her accomodation and was in serious debt and how her dad, her step-mum, and her mum had all been giving her abuse via text all day and she'd just told them all to shut up.....

I was quite relieved to meet my young pal in Broad Wynd again - he's very grown up now and took to the air effortlessly when he became disturbed by the camera being pointed at him. The only sound he can make is a plaintive "Wheep!"

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