In pain.........................

…………….Ann, not me!

Ann has had a sore neck/shoulder for about a week but she’s been trying to ignore it. She’s not sure whether she hurt it when she fell down a rabbit hole when she was walking me, obviously she didn’t fall all the way down the rabbit hole because she’s too fat! Or whether she’s just been sleeping in a draught?! Either way it’s sore.

This afternoon when I went for my walk she said, ‘Molly, you can’t play with your bouncy ball today because I’m in too much pain when I throw it. You can have some off your lead time, and then we’ll have a little trot around town, but you must not go ballistic when you see a bus because it hurts when you pull on your lead.’

I was ever so good on my walk today. I only went mad at one bus (& I saw loads) and that was because I temporarily forgot that Ann was in pain. As soon as Ann screamed at me and looked as if she was about to cry I stopped woofing.

This evening I have been given a yummy chicken flavoured chew for behaving so well.

Anyway Ann’s not really sure what to do. Our medical cabinet consists of some plasters and a packet of ‘nurofen’ so she took two nurofen. ……………..And then realised that the expiry date was February 2013???

Needless to say the ‘nurofen’ hasn’t worked, but Ann’s not sure if that’s because the effectiveness of the nurofen has expired………………… Or because the pain in her neck/shoulder is too severe to be treated by nurofen????

Ann’s hardly ever ill so when she is; she goes into ‘drama queen’ mode. And also her pain threshold is quite low. But her neck/shoulder has been sore for about a week so at what point should she think that there’s something seriously wrong????? Or is she just getting old and aches & pains are going to be part of her life from now on?????

All suggestions will be gratefully received.

PS – Ann’s just about to pour herself a large glass of wine. Apparently wine anesthetizes everything!!!

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