
By Dollykgray

Thoughtful Thursday

My macro converter arrived this afternoon but I only had a few minutes to play with it before we had to go out. I was a bit disappointed in the first photos and realised I need to give it a bit of time and thought. We had to go to an electrical store in the next town and they just happened to have a new tripod in. It was actually a video tripod but seemed to work very well for a camera (I made the sales person attach a camera to it to try it out). It was very reasonably priced, stable, easy to set up and had all the features I had been reading about to look for. So after some thought - about 2 minutes - I took it home. I was delighted with it and made manually focussing with the macro so much easier. It was late in the evening before I had time so my blip is of the only flower I have in our building site garden. Not gorgeous but it´s a start.

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