Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm


I love these guys!

There's very little in life that is more satisfying than the sound of children laughing.

The girls and I had morning of errands; getting new glasses for DM and delivering the Parish Newsletter.

We had a good friend visit us over lunch, who sat chatting to the girls, listening and learning. I love to listen to others talk to my children, even more so when I'm not in the room. It makes me laugh the stories they tell, exciting tales of their lives and lots of facts about our shenanigans. When listening, I get to hear what conversations they have heard and been drawn to, and are now telling of their own interpretations. As my friend said today, I certainly can't hold any secrets with the four little pairs of ears we have in our house! ;)

My brother and his family came for tea. We had a great catch up, whilst the children played fabulously together. My niece went very quiet for the last 10 minutes of her stay saying that it wasn't because she was tired, but because it was too noisy! Welcome to my world Missimo ;)

I look at this picture and smile. At the time I was stressed; we had just finished dinner, the kiddies where bouncing all over the place and I wanted them all in bed. But now I look at the photo and see six beautiful smiles, full of love, promise, laughter and happiness. A picture says a thousand words, this one says Family xx

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