My Brother Kenny was twisted as a kid. He was mostly ignored by our Mum like me but it was me who got most of the batterings. His favorite thing to do was to trap me in his bedroom..

'Audrey come through and play?'
'Why not?'
'Cos you will batter me.'
'I wont.'
'Yeh you will.'
'I promise...'
'Cross my heart and hope to die!'

Through I went...

It would go one of four ways...

1 We would either play quietly then I would go back to my own room.

2 Play till I won some game then Kenny would lose it...

3 Play till he got fed up of me...

4 Or he would just grab on to me right away...

2, 3, and 4 all ended the same way - Kenny shouting down to our Mum as loud as he could 'MUUUUUUUUUM AUDREY'S IN MY ROOM!!!'

The little shit would hang on to me till we heard her thumping and huffing and puffing up those stairs then he'd let me go and I'd run screeming 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' all the way into my room and dive under the covers and curl up as best I could just in time for her reaching me...

She would do her usual thing of thumping me with her fists over and over again till the strength ran out in her arms or her hands got to sore and she had to stop.

My back and head and arms all got it but my head got it most. If I moved my arms to cover a bit she was hitting she would then just hit the bit I uncovered.

Then she would thump, huff and puff down the stairs again.

All of this done without her speaking a word.


Of course I love my brother now but when we were young he was horrible.

I did get my own back sometimes like the time we were playing darts in the hall...

He was walking down to pick up his darts and I threw one of mine at him and it stuck in the back of his neck!

Got another battering that time from my Mum but sometimes it was worth it...

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