One and a half

Fyra had some packing up to do this morning. Autumn signs are everywhere , school starts soon...and I don't have to be there. It's been years now, but still a relief.

Max is back to his non wobbly old self. Resting and eating well. No insulin until his blood work comes back. We shall see. He was glad to get home last night, it was over two hours at the clinic which is 5 minutes away. most of it a wait. Two emergencies had come in, one a cat who had swallowed ribbon and feathers and needed a $3ooo surgery according to his dad. Cat food is good, pal, stick to the cat food!

For the Record
This day came in with sun and clouds and a great breeze. We're sitting out back relaxing , looking at the woods and woodland creatures, like Nelson.

All hands healthy

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