Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Today Baby Pink and I went with Baby Jessica and her mummy for a "girlie" shopping trip. By shopping trip I mean a trip to mothercare, to spend new baby vouchers on Jessica, and Christmas money on Baby Pink. Baby Pink is lots of fun to shop with, she's very happy to sit in the trolley, is great conversation, and has a very good sense of style - pulling the most expensive or the most bright and colourful clothes from their racks and into the trolley. Will this be the shape of things to come? if so I'd better warn Daddy!

While this was going on Master Pink had gone to play at Grandma pink's house, much more interesting than shopping.

When we were all reunited we had stir fry for tea, and in the spirit of Chinese new year festivities, I decided we'd get the chop sticks out! Well, all of us had a little go, even baby pink had a noodle off the end of a chop stick.

So this is Master Pink, getting to grips with two bamboo sticks, instead of his usual spoon and fork!

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