
By CleanSteve


I didn't get to bed until nearly 3am this morning after a particularly long day spent chasing the boats on the canal. It was great fun but rather exhausting and the penalty was paid today. I woke at the usual time although didn't get properly up for several hours and instead indulged in several strong cups of coffee.

As I was going to bed I heard some very loud animal noises coming from the back garden which I assume were owls. Helena said they might be screech owls. I poked my head out of a window but couldn't work out exactly what it was or where they were coming from other than being beside the cabin close to the bird feeders. I was concerned that Natty would be disturbed by them as he was sleeping in the garden cabin to get some private space.

We are quite busy at the moment as Helena's sister Kate has come to stay with her younger son Natty, and her daughter Jezreel, as well as Zina who is Helena and Kate's cousin's daughter!! I blipped the two girls on Friday. Today we all went to lunch at a pub a few miles out of Stroud near Cranham which was good fun, as we played word games between courses. I had my camera at our lunch table in the pub and took a few pictures. I particularly liked this one of Natty, which he says I can use as my blip. They are going back to Lancashire tomorrow afternoon, but before that there is going to be more exploring in gloucester, probably taking in the Cathedral and a museum or two. That is if I can get out of bed in time.

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