Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


I definitely enjoy a little sass in my day. Being different and taking style chances makes me unique....at least that is what I think. I have been known for my risk taking for many many years. Some little fashion beauties have continued to live on........others (my fabulous red leather fanny pack) have mysteriously disappeared. What I do love though, are the items that I find that actually start to define me. They become inside jokes with my family and friends. I can't tell you how many times in the course of a few months, that my glorious red pack is brought back into conversation (it disappeared 10 years ago). My good friend tells the story perfectly, "I will never forget when you showed up for drinks wearing your red cowboy boots AND YOUR RED FANNY PACK, what was that?????". Oh we laugh and laugh and laugh about it. Some risks are good. Some risks are just plain risky. Oh little fanny pack, I hope someone special got their hands on you the day it magically disappeared from my house!

My blip tonight showcases a risk that has been very very good for me. Living in this area, not many people are fans of the ol' cowboy boots. And for reasons that I just can't begin to understand. I love cowboy boots. I love everything about them. My red ones needed company in my closet, so my parents surprised me with these beauties a few Christmas's ago. (I actually picked them out but they were still wrapped and placed under the tree). I can wake up in the morning and instantly know that it is going to be a cowgirl boot day. They add a little sass to my outfit. Usually worn with my favorite pairs of jeans but sometimes paired with a cute skirt. Always a conversation piece as only a few people in my inner circle have any......and I feel so sad for the ones that don't! A good boot paired with a good jean makes for a good sassy day. I love to put on my boots, run down the stairs, throw out my hands and yell, "TAAAA-DAAAA". I love the look on my husbands face. Always a bit stunned. It makes me laugh every single time. I love how it makes my kids giggle. I can be a bit of a ham if you haven't already guessed after 99 blip journals.

Did I also mention how I love the sound of the "clip......clop........clip......clop" that my boots make when I walk on hardwood floors? Did I mention that I have a boot dance to go along with the walk as well?

Aaah well, just a little love of mine that makes me just a wee bit quirky!

Tomorrow is blip 100 for me. Whatever shall I photograph?!!!

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