The fool on the hill

By mooncoin


We are looking after the neighbour's rabbits whilst they are away. They have an extremely spatial double hutch combo.
I've recently started reading a book about space and stuff - and I now think I understand where the universe ends: if you removed all the matter in the universe you wouldn't have a big empty space, you'd have nothing. Without matter space can't exist because if there are no objects to define a seperation between points then there can't be any space. And what's more, nature has no positional datum outside of space because anything outside of the universe would actually be in the universe so the universe has no boundary. And so For a start, Newton was wrong and General Relativity and quantum mechanics only go so far in explaining it all and that's why we (they) are still looking for a grand unified theory but are being thrown of the scent by the glitches in the way nature can't deal with absolutes.
OK - I don't actually know how or where the universe ends.
Sorry to rabbit on. I think I've confused the one on the right.

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