
By Kangaroo

Closing time

The strong light of the sun behind me caught the lovely elegance of the business premises of Bordertown Computers at its best I thought. The time was a few minutes after 5.

Earlier in the day I heard a great racket in the backyard and the characteristic twittering of a blackbird rising above it in alarm mode, I thought. Screaming really. I rushed out thinking it was the blackbird and out of a large bush and back in swooped a large black bird with loudly flapping wings, not a blackbird, but about the size of a crow ...and next thing there was a ruckus you wouldn't believe in the bush and the bush shook. Pollen was flying in the air and out flew the big black bird.

Fight! Fight!

A host of tiny birds rose out of the bush with a whirring of wings and went somewhere. I wondered if I could approach to look. No way. I near had my head knocked off by the speed of a dive bomber and left them to it. Spring is in the air. Later in the early evening I looked in and see a tiny nest has been built smack bang in the middle of everything. This isn't going to work. No wonder these birds have developed this facility to build co-operatively, and as well act like fighter pilots on permanent mission at this time of the year.

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