Mr C Lives for a Day

By P

Cooking with gas.

Still recovering from yesterday. May have partaken in a few ales.
Got up this morning. Afternoon.
Made myself a nice breakfast Had toast on cheese again for lunch.
Stayed in the flat and had a think. This bit's actually true.
Did this for hours. This bit is also true.
Then went out for a long wander. Ten minutes at a push.
Took a few photos. They were rubbish.
Came back in and looked at them. I have no photographic talent.
Some were not bad. This is a lie. I have no talent.
But my flatmate's camera is pants. I have no photographic talent.
It stifles my creativity. A bad workman blames his tools.
I am so so talented. This is not strictly true. I have no photographic talent.
To save myself I took a picture of something bright! Ooooooh. Flames!
Taking it in the dark was a great idea. It was the only way to hide the crumbs on the cooker surface. I'm a student you see.


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