
By Peahen

Market butcher

Today was a great day in many ways but less than stellar for getting a blip I was happy with. This is my 48th blip and I worry slightly about inspiration running out. Hopefully that is just end of school-holiday fatigue speaking as there are plenty of great blipping opportunities coming up.

It was a good learning experience, though. I can see that a smaller f-stop would have given me better focused lettering. More careful and considered composition (I took this leaning out of an upstairs café window) would have given more cropping options and removed the odd stray person/car. I'd like to be able to manage the colour more precisely.

I liked the way a crowded, hectic market afternoon can be simplified and I like the way the subject of the picture is at the back. This was the only shot I managed without the omnipresent bunting of carnival week.

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