
A normal Saturday.

Gardening. Grocery shopping.

That's about it. I had my brunch on the terrace at Pillars of Hercules (where the groceries were also bought) and it was a moment to savour. September beckons. So does autumn.

It was wonderful to have a dry, sunny day to be working outside. I got a lot done, and it was much needed after weeks of neglect as a result of holidays and the weather.

For some reason my thoughts ended up in 1979, and this song...

The Tourists

Annie in a dress!

She hadn't long left Aberdeen at that time, and I was the same.

I doubt if she voted in the 1979 referendum, and I can't remember if I did. I'd been working abroad in 78-79, and probably wasn't registered to vote here.

The song was 47 in the UK's top 100 for 1979.

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