A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Going Down!

.. and having to come back up again.

Started the day with a grey drizzle but the sun came out as we had breakfast in the 1930's style Soda Fountain which still has it's original fittings.

We headed to West thumb geyser basin which we had passed on the way in. Wandered amongst the geothermal pools along the boardwalks that edge the Lake. Beautiful turquoise colours especially the Abyss which is apparently one of the deepest thermal springs in the park.

Heading north we passed the Continental Divide heading to Old Faithful and ominous dark clouds. We just got inside for a coffee when there was a huge hail storm. As we left the steps were covered in hail. Fortunately the storm and the geyser were timed perfectly as we were able to watch Old Faithful spout happily in the dry.
Lots of steam and not as spectacular as ones we have seen in Iceland or as clear as those in NZ but it is a must do.

Unfortunately the rain was back when we reached the Midway geyser basin and we walked around the thermal springs, including the Grand Prismatic in the rain! The colours were still great but the steam engulfed us in several places.

By the time we had circuited the top of the southern Grand loop road the sun was back with us. We saw quite a lot of Bison. A distant herd and several lone males right at the road side. We took a detour on the South Rim drive of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. This is the broad and calm Yellowstone River which suddenly plummets
through a ravine creating a canyon. We had a short walk past the upper falls which were quite spectacular but then rashly decided to follow Uncle Tom's Trail to the lower falls. This used to be over 500 wooden steps and rope ladders down here in the 1800's and he would lead parties of people down, having rowed them across the river and give them a picnic before bringing them back.

There are only 348 steps now all expanded metal but apparently up to the '70's there was a rope ladder down the last bit! We survived and the lower falls are amazing but I think the view of the canyon itself and this descent were the best.

Back to our cabin to put the heating on. The day before and a thousand feet lower it had been air conditioning.

Found internet access, at a price, at Lake Lodge where we had breakfast today so posting this as a back blip. Back blip for FRIDAY and sunny weather here.

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