
By tpd


The lack of internet at the flat and lack of time at the weekends means I'm way behind again. Shocker.

But +3/3 is just too darned cute not to take a photo of, especially when he's surrounded by bubbles.

Saturday, saturday, ... let's see. +1/2 was out for a cycle, into Perth for haircuts (after Monday's failed attempt; more on this if I get around to back-blipping), lunch, cleared out more stuff from the garage then a party in the evening.

Yes, a party. A bona fide, other people there, noisy, mixing your drinks kind of party. With +1/2! Many thanks to Coco and family for the invite; it was lovely to see a lot of people we've not seen in a long time...

All in all a great day. Better enbubblenated!

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