Who turned the light off????

What a day!

I am still busy starting up the new project at work, which means that my phone has been in my office all day and I haven't had time to look at it.

At about 3.30 pm, I looked at it. A text message from my friend Helle, someone tried to ring and then a text message from NETS, which is the Danish Visa Card service. The message was a security number, which I would need if I wanted to use my visa card for online shopping. When I use my card, I get a text from NETS with this number that I need to close the deal with the online shop. This means that to use my card online, I need both my phone and my card details. That's all good - except I had not used my card for any online shopping, so the security code should not have been sent to me.

I rang my bank and luckily no money had been drawn from my account, but they could see that someone had tried to use my card in a webshop in the USA. My card was cancelled and a new one has been ordered for me. Phew! Thank Goodness for the security texts!

I keep getting text messages with security codes from NETS, so I have talked to my bank again and all is well - no one can use my card. It is no longer working, but who ever has my card details are very keen to use them!

Once I had sorted things with the bank, I took the boys for a walk in the woods and after our walk, I had a super training session with Hero. He did really well with the new move we are working on. This is Hero with his frisbee, which was used as a reward in our training.

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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