cuarenta y tres...

(years of friendship...)

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.”
Friedrich Nietzsche


“All right - I'll tell you what you did for me: you went for happy, silly, beautiful walks with me.”

Kurt Vonnegut

(1971...escuela de teatro -universidad de chile...las obras completes de o'neill...cerro santa lucia...pizzeria da dino...el tabito, chile...callao 2975...clinica las lilas (3/6/72)...toro mazzote 43...bochum, germany...thamesmead , SE2...drama centre, london...Wimbledon school of art... ormea,italy...grove park SE5...domburg, NL...adys road SE15...allotments...paesens-moddergat, NL...freedom pass adventures...angelo...celeste...and so much more!...)




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