I saw again so many damsels and dragons. No ducks, no swans, one family Nile goose only.
In the morning I had worked on some inside jobs, the weather not too good. Piet Hein had gone to the sea for his swim, even if only a short one and then had left for the dentist.
Mischa phoned that she would come for tea and if we could work on some stories.
So before she came I walked to the pond and on my knees I took pictures of the tiny insects. One red dragonfly, the same of the picture (?), landed on my pants, me too, me too, take a picture of me too! They happened to be bright yellow and that did not looked too grand.
But here she is and a green damselfly can be seen at the background, even unsharp.
I am reading the book written by Louis Bromfield, The rains came and when I saw on wiki that there were two filmscreens made upon it, I watched a first part of the eldest movie (1939) and left it soon enough, the texst is so extensive and of course no adaption could use all the characters and plots.

My haiku:

She adores the sun
The water and the green leaves
I love her colour

And the quote by Plutarch in Moralia:

We are more sensible of what is done against custom than against nature.

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