
I wasn't going to blip Elvis again so soon, but who could resist such a soulful look. Plus we only had a couple of stray shafts of sunlight early in the day, so I knew there wouldn't be much else on offer.

We've got those blinds on the windows which enable me to look out, but passersby in the street can't look in.

But I swear those birds can see through the blinds. They come and perch in the wall or the birdbath, and look straight at me through the window. Then they cluck softly as if to say "come on, where's the food".

As I said before, we don't see Elvis or Priscilla during the winter. I think they are around, because we hear them, but they only come for food in the breeding season. They must have their nesting hollow nearby.

Thanks for all your kind comments yesterday. The headache is mostly gone now.

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